Student resources



Mendeley is free and very useful for bibliographies and in-text citations, it has good integration with Word (I use the desktop version not the online one)


How to Write a Lot: A Practical Guide to Productive Academic Writing (by Paul J. Silvia) is a classic that is frequently recommended, and for good reason, his approach really does work. It's a quick, easy read, so don't worry about spending time to make time!

The Professor Is In: The Essential Guide To Turning Your Ph.D. Into a Job (by Karen Kelsky) was tremendously useful when I was preparing my job documents and getting ready for my job interview at McMaster.  It's written a humanities scholar in the USA but the advice is solid for anyone, regardless of academic background.

[The links are to Amazon, but I don't get any affiliate credits, I just think they are terrific books]

Funding opportunities

If you want to do industry focused work, MITACS has some great funding packages:

If you want to study in Germany, scholarship opportunities from DAAD: